March 17, 2015 at 3:04 pm #1552

I’ll look into this soon. I know quite a few other people would also like to fight with mouselook rather than use the HUD buttons. The C.E. system has always been designed primarily around the HUD. Keyboard arrow attacks were a bit of an after thought meant mainly for people using the huds with other combat systems. Balancing the gameplay between the two different attack methods is actually quite tricky given how completely different they are. It wasnt a priority for the v4 HUD release so I did not make any significant changes to keyboard control. Given how the HUD control method has improved significantly though in speed etc. it does not really surprise me too much if keyboard attacks are no longer as effective as they used to be. Keyboards primarily benefit before was speed (albeit with lower attack points).

Anyhow to sum up, I am fairly confident now that version 4 HUDs (aside from this issue) are working as I planned. This was important for me to establish first before building anything else around it such as the secondary attack method. So I will now start looking at the keyboard attack method and see how I can balance and improve it. It is certainly my top priority for the next update.