Hi Folks, You may notice some changes to this website. This is because I have recently moved web servers. The old website used some very out of date code that relied on equally out of date server software. I could not migrate this over in any sort of working condition so I have had to rebuild the site. Aside from it looking a little different some features may also have been removed altogether. All the scoreboards should however still be intact though, which is the main purpose of the site. I have left the forum visible, but probably will remove it as it is not widely used. I have not yet checked that everything is all connecting properly with Second Life but it should be! If it isn’t I will get it fixed as soon as possible. Please let me know if you stumble on any issues with the site or SL connectivity….especially new ones. (Just to clarify absolutely no changes have been made to the in game system itself.)
As some of you will know, I have not been around SL so much over the past year or so due to some personal stuff in RL that has both taken my time and sapped me of energy and motivation. I am well on the road to recovery though and plan to get back to SL shortly. I plan to undertake a long overdue revisit to the C.E. game. As it is not played as much as it used to be I may relook at its original goal that was a full rpg game system with a bit more flexibility and fun experiences. At the moment I am just running over all ideas though. I do feel ( like its name suggest ) that it needs to ‘evolve’ if it is to keep going and grow once again. Feel free to drop any ideas you might have over to me in a note card in world.
Anyway, that’s it for now,